Monday, January 30, 2012

SFSU Information

Here are the latest headlines for international students interested in attending SFSU:

1. SFSU is still taking applications for Fall 2012 admissions from international students. The deadline is May 1. Apply online, using the International Student Application, at Some majors are closed. See CSUMentor for details.

2. The Spring 2013 admission application period will be August 1 through September 30, 2012. Apply online using CSUMentor.

3. Currently, F-1 students must provide proof of a minimum of $35,214 for one year of full-time study and cost of living.

4. SFSU provides a pre-admissions evaluation of foreign transcripts for $90. For details, visit

5. Visit SFSU's Office of International Programs on Facebook:

6. Watch SFSU's OIP channel on YouTube:

Check the DVC Career, Employment, and Transfer Services office schedule for visits from a SFSU representative: