Below are the questions that you will find in the Academic Counseling FAQs in the International Student Resources link on the International Student Admissions and Services page, at Be sure to check out these FAQs before making an appointment, coming for a quick drop-in question, or sending an email; you might find the answer you're looking for there and save yourself and me some valuable time.
What does a counselor do at DVC?
How can I make an appointment to see a counselor?
I have a question/concern about my passport, visa, I-20, or medical insurance. Where do I go for help?
How do I know which classes to take?
How can I compute or predict my Grade Point Average, or GPA?
All of the classes I want to take are already full! What should I do?
How many units can I transfer with a “Pass” grade?
I have units/exam scores from another institution that I want to use to clear the prerequisite for a class I want to take at DVC. How do I get permission to do that?
I think I will make a D or F in a class! What should I do?
I plan to transfer to a private or out-of-state university. How can I know which courses to take at DVC?
How often can I take the Math and English assessment tests?
I disagree with the grade that I received from my instructor. How can I resolve this dispute?
How can I find important dates and deadlines online?
How can I find out admissions statistics for the University of California campuses?
How can I know which CSU’s are still accepting applications from international transfer students?
When am I supposed to pay my fees?
How can I apply for a scholarship?
How can I find out about student clubs and organizations at DVC?
How can I find a job on campus?
I need to drop below 12 units this semester. What should I do?
I just found out that I will fail my class, and the deadline to drop has already passed! What can I do?
Will a “W” grade affect my admissibility to a university?
I have college units from my home country. How can I determine how those units will apply toward my academic goal?
I want to take English 122, but my English assessment results indicate that I have to begin with a lower-level English class. How can I take English 122 directly?
Why can’t I take only classes that are transferable and required for my major?