Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UC Personal Statement Review

If you are applying to a UC campus for Fall 2011 admission, you can now fill out the application online. One part of the application is the personal statement. I am happy to review your statement, with the following stipulations:
1. You must bring a hard copy of your statement; I will not put USB drives into my computer for fear of viruses.
2. You must bring a revised version of your statement; do not bring a rough draft. Show me that you have already put a considerable amount of effort and time into writing your statement.
3. You may see me by appointment or during my drop-in; however, be aware that if on drop-in, we will have only about 10 minutes to discuss your statement.

On Friday, November 19, I will be available on drop-in from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Counseling Center.

To schedule an appointment or find out my other drop-in times, call the Counseling Center at 925-685-1230, extension 2276, or schedule an appointment online:

For more information about the UC personal statement, visit: